LeadFly -Lead generation for Renovation and Trades companies
March 6, 2023
Shane McEvoy
by Shane McEvoy

20 Key Metrics to Measure the Success of Your Tradesman Lead Generation Campaigns

Tracking and measuring the success of your lead generation efforts is crucial for optimising strategies and maximising your return on investment. 

To evaluate the effectiveness of any lead generation campaign outlined below are 20 key metrics home improvement companies and tradesmen should monitor closely. 

Once you have a clear understanding of these metrics and leverage the insights they provide, you can make data-driven decisions and drive continuous improvement in your lead generation efforts, so let’s get started.

List of Key Lead Generation Campaigns Metrics

Conversion Rate

  • The conversion rate measures the percentage of leads that successfully convert into customers. Calculate it by dividing the number of conversions (i.e., customers acquired) by the total number of leads generated.


  • A high conversion rate indicates that your lead generation efforts are effectively attracting and nurturing qualified leads. If your conversion rate is low, consider optimising your lead nurturing strategies or revisiting your target audience and messaging.

Cost Per Lead

  • Cost per lead (CPL) measures the average amount you spend to acquire a single lead. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of your lead generation campaign by the number of leads generated.

  • Monitoring CPL helps you assess the cost-effectiveness of your lead generation efforts. Aim to optimise your CPL by identifying the most efficient channels, refining your targeting, and enhancing lead quality through effective qualification processes.

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • ROI measures the profitability of your lead generation campaign. It compares the revenue generated from acquired customers to the costs incurred in generating those leads.

  • To calculate ROI, subtract the total cost of your lead generation campaign from the total revenue generated, and divide the result by the total cost. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

  • A positive ROI indicates that your lead generation campaign is generating profitable results. If your ROI is low or negative, consider reassessing your lead generation strategies and exploring ways to improve lead quality and conversion rates.

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Lead Quality

  • Lead quality measures the likelihood of a lead to convert into a paying customer. Assess lead quality by evaluating various factors such as lead source, engagement level, and qualification criteria.

  • Analyse data on lead sources to identify channels that consistently generate high-quality leads. Monitor lead engagement metrics, such as email open rates and click-through rates, to gauge the level of interest and responsiveness of your leads.

  • By focusing on lead quality, you can prioritise your efforts on leads with the highest potential for conversion, saving time and resources.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

  • CLV measures the total revenue a customer generates for your business throughout their entire relationship with you. It helps you understand the long-term value of each acquired customer.

  • Calculate CLV by multiplying the average purchase value by the average purchase frequency and multiplying the result by the average customer lifespan.

  • By tracking CLV, you can identify the most valuable customers and focus your lead generation strategies on attracting similar high-value prospects.

Lead Response Time

  • Lead response time measures the speed at which you respond to leads generated from your campaign.

  • Monitor the time it takes for your team to follow up with leads, whether it’s through phone calls, emails, or other communication channels.

  • A quick response time improves the chances of converting leads into customers, as prompt communication demonstrates your professionalism and responsiveness.

Lead to Opportunity Ratio

  • The lead-to-opportunity ratio calculates the percentage of leads that progress to the opportunity stage in your sales pipeline.

  • Evaluate the number of leads that convert into qualified opportunities by considering factors such as budget, timeline, and fit with your services.

  • A high lead-to-opportunity ratio indicates that your lead generation efforts are generating quality leads that have a higher chance of becoming paying customers.

Customer Acquisition Cost  (CAC)

  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC) measures the amount of money spent to acquire a new customer.

  • Calculate CAC by dividing the total costs associated with acquiring customers (including marketing and sales expenses) by the number of customers acquired.

  • Monitoring CAC helps you assess the efficiency and profitability of your lead generation campaign, enabling you to optimise your resources and budget allocation.

Lead to Sale Time

  • Lead-to-sale time measures the duration it takes for a lead to convert into a paying customer.

  • Track the time it takes for leads to move through your sales process, from initial contact to final conversion.

  • A shorter lead-to-sale time indicates a more efficient and streamlined sales process, allowing you to close deals faster and increase revenue.

Referral Rate

  • Referral rate measures the percentage of customers who refer your services to others.

  • Keep track of how many customers actively recommend your business to their networks, either through word-of-mouth or online reviews and testimonials.

  • A high referral rate indicates that your lead generation efforts are not only attracting new customers but also creating satisfied customers who become advocates for your business. Encourage referrals by providing excellent service and incentivising customers to refer others.

Lead Engagement Rate

  • Lead engagement rate measures the level of interaction and responsiveness of your leads.

  • Track metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, and social media engagement to assess how actively your leads are engaging with your content.

  • A high lead engagement rate indicates that your lead generation efforts are capturing the attention and interest of your target audience.

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Lead Follow-up Rate

  • Lead follow-up rate measures the percentage of leads that receive timely and consistent follow-up communication from your team.

  • Monitor how many leads are being contacted and nurtured after their initial expression of interest.

  • A high lead follow-up rate indicates that you have a systematic approach to lead management, ensuring that no potential opportunities fall through the cracks.

Rate Conversion Funnel Drop-off Points

  • Identify and analyse the specific stages of your conversion funnel where leads are dropping off without converting.

  • By tracking the drop-off points, you can identify potential obstacles or areas that require optimization in your lead generation and nurturing process.

  • This metric helps you identify and address any barriers or gaps in your customer journey that may be hindering conversions.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) measures the total cost incurred to acquire a new customer.

  • Calculate CPA by dividing the total costs associated with acquiring customers (including marketing, sales, and operational expenses) by the number of customers acquired.

  • Monitoring CPA helps you evaluate the overall financial efficiency of your lead generation campaign and ensures that your cost per customer acquisition remains within an acceptable range.

PA)Customer Satisfaction Score (SCAT)

  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) measures the level of satisfaction and happiness among your customers.

  • Collect feedback through surveys or other feedback mechanisms to gauge how satisfied your customers are with your services.

  • A high CSAT indicates that your lead generation efforts are attracting and converting leads into delighted customers who are likely to continue using your services and recommend you to others

Lead To Proposal Ratio

  • The lead-to-proposal ratio calculates the percentage of leads that progress to the proposal stage in your sales process.

  • Evaluate the number of leads that move from initial contact to receiving a formal proposal for your services.

  • A higher lead-to-proposal ratio indicates that your lead generation efforts are generating leads with a higher likelihood of considering your services and moving forward in the sales process.

Customer Retention Rate

  • Customer retention rate measures the percentage of customers who continue to use your services over a specific period.

  • Track how many customers you retain over time and calculate the retention rate by dividing the number of retained customers by the total number of customers.

  • A high customer retention rate indicates that your lead generation efforts not only attract new customers but also foster long-term relationships and loyalty.

Lead to Deal Conversion Rate

  • The lead-to-deal conversion rate measures the percentage of leads that successfully convert into closed deals.

  • Analyse the number of leads that progress through your sales pipeline and ultimately result in a signed contract or agreement.

  • A higher lead-to-deal conversion rate indicates that your lead generation campaign is generating qualified leads that have a high propensity to convert into paying customers.

Social Media Engagement

  • Social media engagement measures the level of interaction and engagement your lead generation campaign generates on social media platforms.

  • Monitor metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and mentions to evaluate the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts.

  • A high level of social media engagement indicates that your campaign is resonating with your target audience and creating a buzz around your services.

Lead to Score Time

  • Lead-to-customer time measures the duration it takes for a lead to convert into a paying customer from the moment of initial contact.

  • Track the time it takes for leads to move through your sales pipeline and complete the purchasing process.

  • A shorter lead-to-customer time indicates an efficient and streamlined sales process, allowing you to capitalise on leads’ interest and convert them into customers more quickly.

Leveraging the Power of Data

No matter what kind of business you have and whether it’s large or small, measuring the success of your lead generation campaign is crucial for optimising your strategies and achieving sustainable growth. 

Regularly analyse the metrics outlined above to identify trends, and make data-driven adjustments to your lead generation strategies. Continuously refine your targeting, qualification processes, and lead nurturing efforts to improve your conversion rates and generate a positive ROI.

Remember, each business is unique, and the importance of specific metrics may vary. Customise your measurement approach based on your specific goals, industry, and target audience.

With the power of data you’ll be able to achieve long-term success as a professional building company, plumber, electrician, gardener or any other trade you’re in. 

If you’d like more advice about any of the key metrics we just mentioned or want to speak to a member of our lead generation team about anything else please give us a call on 0800 110 5923 or you can fill out the contact form here.


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